A taster tape for a documentary film about urban beekeeping in summer 2011. Direction by Scott Radnor, Camera by Kristian Buus, Film editing by Zan Barberton. We got funding from the London mayor’s ‘Capital Bee’ fund. To create this trailer for their promotional events. We intended to apply for more […]
The Salt Makers: Living with Climate Change.
Documentary for the British Council shot in Eastern Sudan, In Arabic. Made for the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. 2009. Offline Editors: Scott Radnor and Zan Barberton. Online Editor & Color Grade: Scott Radnor. Director Taghereed Elsanhouri.
The Big Lottery: Your Square Mile
“I have just watched the film and it moved me to tears. Wouldn’t change a frame.” Paul Twivy – Founder, Your Square Mile The summer of the London riots was spent filming ‘local heroes’ working to make a difference to troubled communities in the UK, in a documentary commissioned by […]
Class of ’62 at 60 – BBC 2
Zan Barberton worked alongside veteran filmmaker Marilyn Gaunt to help shoot this 90 min documentary for BBC2. Along the lines of “7 – Up” she followed graduates from her secondary school over the years in their journey through life.
The Orphans of Mygoma – Al Jazeera
British-Sudanese documentary maker Taghreed Elsanhouri travelled to Khartoum to make a film about the ‘orphans’ there. Many of them are children abandoned due to being born out of wedlock. Events conspired to make her a key player in this moving love story. Directed and shot by Taghreed Elsanhouri. Edited by […]
Current TV: His Life of Rhyme
Cashman, AKA Chris Preddie (19), has been running from the fallout of the violent death of Damilola Taylor for years now. Two of his cousins were convicted of the crime, but the Preddie family have also been victims of the violence endemic to the North Peckham estate where he grew […]