
Charity clients, Documentary

Capital Bee Urban – Taster Trailer

A taster tape for a documentary film about urban beekeeping in summer 2011. Direction by Scott Radnor, Camera by Kristian Buus, Film editing by Zan Barberton. We got funding from the London mayor’s ‘Capital Bee’ fund. To create this trailer for their promotional events. We intended to apply for more […]


The Salt Makers: Living with Climate Change.

Documentary for the British Council shot in Eastern Sudan, In Arabic. Made for the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. 2009. Offline Editors: Scott Radnor and Zan Barberton. Online Editor & Color Grade: Scott Radnor. Director Taghereed Elsanhouri.


Tate Gallery: States of Flux

Made by Illuminations who had in turn been commissioned by the Tate gallery. This film was screened alongside on constant rotation in a purpose built installation in the Tate from 2007-2009. The film was made to coincide with the first major re-organisiation and ‘re-hang’ of the Tate Modern’s permanent collection. […]

Charity clients, Documentary

The Big Lottery: Your Square Mile

“I have just watched the film and it moved me to tears. Wouldn’t change a frame.” Paul Twivy – Founder, Your Square Mile The summer of the London riots was spent filming ‘local heroes’ working to make a difference to troubled communities in the UK, in a documentary commissioned by […]